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I am motivated by my own experiences as well as universally recognised tropes and themes regarding women. My images explore perceived female identity as well as the embodiment of power; specifically the differences between having power, feeling empowered and being powerful.


In both private and empty public spaces I use photography and film to record my body, or stand-ins for the body. I perform in conjunction with found objects and constructed props which appear ritualistic, symbolic or as one-sided confrontations. I purposefully employ direct and minimal visual language.

In recent works I have employed pre-digital ways of making by using camcorders and instant cameras; my material choices communicate a refusal to engage with social media platforms along with a wish to re-write and challenge societal expectations endured in my formative years.

I take inspiration from artists such as Francesca Woodman, Rebecca Horn and Laura Aguilar. I constantly imagine ways in which I can photograph and film my concurrent sensations, such as anger and verve, despair and desire, fear and control; the contradictions we feel just by being.


© 2024

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